The Experience you've been looking for!
If you already know exactly what you are looking for, please skip straight to the booking information at the bottom of this email...
... And why come and try stonemasonry with us?
Cotswold Woollen Weavers and Filkins Stone Company share an idyllic 18th century site in the Cotswold village of Filkins (GL7 3JJ), just off the A361 between Burford and Lechlade.

The story of the English Cotswolds is the story of wool and limestone. 500 years ago, they used to say "half the wealth of England rides on the back of the sheep"... For the wool from the Cotswold sheep provided much of the money that paid for the building of the Cotswolds', including the magnificent 'wool' churches, and the manor houses, and magnificent towns and villages... all in glorious natural local limestone.
For over 40 years, Cotswold Woollen Weavers has been involved in weaving woollen cloth and, (particularly) woollen throws, in the the village of Filkins, between Burford & Lechlade in the English Cotswolds. Visitors come and explore the heritage of wool and weaving. And I am very pleased to say that they visit our on-site shop and go away happy with woollen garments, and knitwear, and beautiful woollen throws...

Meanwhile, our sister enterprise, Filkins Stone Company, has long been cutting, working, and carving our local oolitic limestone into architectural and sculptural beauty.
And now, here is your chance to try your hand with a chisel yourself...
Whether you come for a day or longer, you will for sure go home with something you've made for yourself, and the grounding to continue with the timeless pursuit of Cotswold stone masonry.
So, let's first take a tour of the workshop where you'll be working on your 'Stonemasonry Taster Days', and imagine yourself standing at your banker (bench), mallet and chisel in hand, working your magic...

First, a short but essential induction into safe workshop procedure and to the tools of the trade...
Second, a practical introduction to local limestone, and how its nature enables it to be worked at all.
Third, you choose your piece of stone, pick up your chisel and mallet, and work the most important element in the stonemason's craft: a flat surface.
Fourth, as your mood and your art takes you... Perhaps work another flat surface, with a chamfer to the arris... perhaps a fielded panel. And then, on to decorate the piece with a carved motif or a letter. There is plenty of inspiration available in work around the workshop, or maybe it'll come from outside around the buildings, or from your own imagination.
Whatever transpires, help is on hand to guide you, and you will go home with something worthwhile that you've worked on your 'taster day'.
Please wear practical clothing that you won't mind getting a bit dusty(!), and that doesn't have 'trailing sleeves' etc that might catch in any tools and machinery.
We will supply all tools and any necessary protective equipment.
There is a coffeeshop on site for coffee, tea, cakes and scones etc, but by all means bring a packed lunch.
You are welcome to take photographs anywhere on site.

Stonemasonry Taster Days are generally available on Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays.
Unless otherwise arranged, they start at 9am and run to 4.30pm.
Coffee/tea is provided mid-morning and afternoon, and a lunchbreak by arrangement.
Unless specifically agreed otherwise, four students will be the maximum on any day.
Course fees are shown per person per day.
Multi-day courses do NOT have to be taken on consecutive days, but at any time.
A single 'Taster Day': £195
A two-day course: £175 per day
A three-day course: £155 per day
A four-day course: £135 per day
There are usually substantial discounts available if two or more students book together for courses on the same day. Please ask.
Booking can be by email or telephone, and payment can be made by card, PayPal or bank transfer. To arrange dates, book days, or for more information, please contact:
Richard Martin at
07713 636415 or richard@naturalbest.co.uk
We look forward very much to seeing you in Filkins